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Student Clubs and Organizations

The Office of Student Life provides leadership training, programming support, guidance, and referrals to all student leaders. To better represent the diverse student body, the Student Government and numerous clubs offer programs and events indicative of the vast interests of the ¾Ã¾ÃÈÈ.

Student Organization Information


Using YU Marks and Creating Club Logos
These guidelines are intended to protect and control the use of the University’s logos and marks. While the University is proud to identify its student organizations and clubs as valued members of our community, it must be clear to the University community and to the public at large what is part of the University, which goods/services originate from the University, and which do not. 

Give credit where credit is due and use the relevant council logos on your event flyers. There are also promotion guidelines for events that are co-sponsored by outside organizations.

Please note: University policy is to generally not permit recording of student club events due to privacy and other considerations.

Student Councils

The Beren ¾Ã¾ÃÈÈ Student Government (BCSG), serves the entire student body at the ¾Ã¾ÃÈÈ Beren ¾Ã¾ÃÈÈ. The BCSG offers a wide variety of events in order to cater to the diverse interests on campus. There are over 150 clubs, ranging from the Psychology Club to the Cookies for Kindness, from the Bowling Society to the Environmental Club, and everything in between. While the clubs coordinate student run programs, the BCSG also strives to unite the Beren ¾Ã¾ÃÈÈ and build a community. The BCSG is the voice of the ¾Ã¾ÃÈÈ, creating and developing events and projects for which there is an interest. If what you are looking for does not exist, create it! Take advantage of all of the incredible opportunities here and get involved!


Torah Activities Council

The Torah Activities Council, also known as TAC, works to enhance Jewish life on campus and strengthen the campus community through Shabbat programming, events, and diverse speakers. Through TAC programs we hope to inspire ¾Ã¾ÃÈÈ to think, explore, and take an active role in the Beren community as well as the Jewish community as a whole.


YSU Logo

The Yeshiva Student Union ("YSU") is the presiding body of student government, representing every student at ¾Ã¾ÃÈÈ. The YSU board plans and implements school-wide events and promotes and enables club activities. The YSU board members serve as advocates for the entire undergraduate student body. In a university with a diverse student body, the YSU board aims to serve all groups within Yeshiva University fairly. In addition, the YSU board serves the various other boards on campus, maintaining open lines of communication and encouraging cooperation within the Student Council. The YSU board, along with the Student Council, acts as a liaison to the university administration. The goal of YSU is to infuse the ¾Ã¾ÃÈÈ experience with enthusiasm and excitement, creating a vibrant and fun environment for all ¾Ã¾ÃÈÈ.


SOY Logo

Student Organization of Yeshiva, also known as SOY, focuses on fulfilling the religious needs of ¾Ã¾ÃÈÈ's Wilf ¾Ã¾ÃÈÈ Students.  SOY is determined to fulfill its mission to create a comfortable Jewish environment, filled with Torah learning and religious life on campus, as well as to serve the greater YU community and support Torah and religiously oriented activities.  As representatives of a diverse student body - whether it's the Mechina program, the IBC program, the SBMP program, the MYP program or RIETS - it is our goal to create a unified atmosphere of Torah and Jewish identity on campus.  SOY's goal is to facilitate each student's opportunity to maximize his own unique religious experience.  At the end of the day, the Yeshiva College/ Sy Syms School of Business Student body can rely on SOY to create the religious, educational and experiential opportunities that they hope to experience while attending ¾Ã¾ÃÈÈ.


Yeshiva College Student Association


The Yeshiva College Student Association (YCSA) represents the ¾Ã¾ÃÈÈ of Yeshiva College. It aims to maximize the potential of each student by enhancing their experience at Yeshiva College and the ¾Ã¾ÃÈÈ Community.  YCSA coordinates and encourages all student activities within the scope of Yeshiva College, providing for the promotion of ¾Ã¾ÃÈÈ' interests.  YCSA oversees more than thirty clubs, ranging from the Economics Club to the Physics Club, from the student publication The Clarion to the Student Holocaust Education Movement.  Furthermore, YCSA works closely with the Yeshiva Student Union, Student Organization of Yeshiva and Syms School of Business Student Council on the Wilf campus, as well as SCWSC on the Beren campus, creating, planning and implementing university-wide events for all ¾Ã¾ÃÈÈ to enjoy.  Additionally, YCSA provides a voice for the ¾Ã¾ÃÈÈ, working closely with the administration in all matters affecting the welfare of the student body.  We encourage all ¾Ã¾ÃÈÈ to take advantage of the incredible opportunities that Yeshiva College presents and to get involved in the various aspects of student life.



The Sy Syms School of Business Student Council is dedicated to promoting and representing the interests of the Sy Syms student body.  By implementing a wide range of academic and social activities, the council seeks to aid in the development of future business leaders as well as to provide ¾Ã¾ÃÈÈ with the opportunity to network and develop professional relationships. 

The Student Council facilitates student involvement through workshops/clubs, speakers, networking opportunities and site visits. The council works with administration, faculty, staff and school committees to ensure that ¾Ã¾ÃÈÈ feel free to express their ideas, interests and suggestions. SYMSSC sponsors a variety of clubs designed to promote student participation and enrichment and to encourage all ¾Ã¾ÃÈÈ involvement.  SYMSSC fosters improved student-faculty relationships in order to achieve our stated aims.  Please feel free to contact us regarding any suggestions, ideas or concerns you may have.

SLC Logo

The Student Life Committee (SLC) serves as a communication bridge between the student body and YU’s administrative faculty and staff. By partnering with YU’s administration and departments, the SLC strives to enhance the quality of life on ¾Ã¾ÃÈÈ’s Wilf campus. SLC Liaisons voice ¾Ã¾ÃÈÈ’ concerns and propose innovative ideas to benefit the Wilf ¾Ã¾ÃÈÈ in any way, shape, or form. They also anticipate future problems on campus and resolve current issues faced by the student body. The committee currently consists of thirteen ¾Ã¾ÃÈÈ: two co-chairmen and eleven members. Have suggestions? Contact us at wilfslc@yu.edu

Committed to giving each and every student on campus a voice, The Student Life Committee works hard to make your opinion matter and ensure that the ¾Ã¾ÃÈÈ faculty and administration hear your voices.

Beren Student Life Committee Logo


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